17 重要时刻

17 重要时刻

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《早安美国》  《每日秀》的头版:Good Morning America segment on robo-signing available at http:  //sherriequestioningall.  blogspot.  com/2010/10/good-morning-america-segment-on.  html;  Paul Jackson,  "Jon Stewart on Robosigners and Foreclosure-gate," Housing Wire, October 8, 2010; Matt Gutman  and  Bradley  Blackburn,  " Foreclosure  Crisis:  23  States Halt Foreclosure as Officials Review Bank Practices," ABC News, October 4,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址丽莎和迈克尔也成了《华盛顿邮报》《麦克拉奇报》以及《棕榈滩邮报》  (标题“老赖对抗华尔街”)新闻的头版人物: Ariana Eunjung Cha, "Florida Activists Read Between the Lines on Foreclosure Paperwork,"Washington Post,October 21, 2010; Tony Pugh,“How 2 Civilian Sleuths Brought Foreclosure Problems to Light," McClatclny Newspapers, October '13,2010; Kimberly Miller,  “‘Deadbeat'   Fights  Back  Against  Foreclosure Process," PaIfn Beach Post, October 20, 2010。

尽管我们为之呐喊了一年之久: Michael Redman,“Kristine Wilson-Robo Signer Part Deux-Ally's GMAC Unit Withdraws Foreclosure Affidavits Signed by Second Employee,”4closurefraud.  org, September 25, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《被猪抢占新闻头条,转而执笔泄愤》: Lisa Epstein,“Preempted by a Passel of Pigs J3eing Put in the Pen (Hopefully Foreshadowing Reality),"Foreclosure Hamlet,October 5,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址抵押贷款支持证券?这些证券根本没有抵押贷款支持: Video of MSNBC appearance available at YouTube, posted by user "Big Brother Is Watching,”uploaded October 26, 2010, https: //www. youtube. com/Watcl-1?  v= d6PwU4MUz9Y。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“欢乐时光聚会活动”: Michael Redman,“Emergency Happy Hours-Thurs 9/23 Tampa& Fri 9/24 St. Pete, FL: Gatherings for Combatants of Illegal Foreclosures," 4closurefraud.  org, September 22, 2010。

他们申请查询公共记录后发现:  “ACLU Seeks Public Records to Determine Constitutionality of Foreclosure Proceedings in Florida," ACLU press release, October 19, 2010。

丽莎发现佛罗里达各地出现了大批作为“替换品”的抵押贷款转让协议和证明书:  Lisa  Epstein,“ Shapiro Fishman  File More Corrective Assignments of Mortgage,”ForecIosure Harnlet,September 19, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“抵押贷款紧随本票。”:Yves Smith,“American Securitization Forum Tells Monstrous Whoppers in Senate Testimony on Mortgage Mess," Naked Capitalism,  December 2,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址一项名为“本票在哪儿”的活动:David Dayen,“Demo(:rats Continue to Pressure Lenders Toward Nationwide Foreclosure Moratorium," FDL News,October  9,  2010,http: //shadowproof.com/2010,/10/0”democrats-oontinue-to-pressure-lenders- tOVvard-nationwide- foreclosure-moratoriura。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址业内律师现在普遍采用一种与公司诉讼更为相似的手法: Robbie Whelan, "Niche Lawyers Spawned Housing Fracas," Wall Street Journal,October 21, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址所以我们可以赶在节假日来临时把数百万家庭赶出家园以便振兴经济?: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, October 7, 2010。

欺诈并不能消除这一事实:JohnCamey,“Let's Not Start Lionizing theAnti-Foreclosure Deadbeats,”CNBC.  com, October 13, 2010。

认可所有得到州法律授权的合法公证: Text of HR 3808,111th Congress of the United States of America, available at http://www.govtrack. us/congress/bills/lll/hr3808/text。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址各州虽然可以对法令提出异议,但上诉可能会耗费数年之久:Jennifer Brunner, Cralxalus and Cou,age (Columbus, OH: Little Blue Valiant,2012) ,  532 - 533,  539 - 545。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址政治联络员坎贝尔·斯宾塞: Ibid.,542 - 543。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“法案会对包括抵押贷款在内的消费者保护措施产生非故意的冲击”: Arthur Delaney,  "Obama Will Not Sign Bill Seen as Cover for Bank Foreclosm Hu.ffington  Post,October 7,2010,  http://wvvw.huffingtonpost. oom/2010/10/07/obuna-pocket-veto-foreclosures _ n _753987. html。

迈克尔公布了他的发现:Michael Redman,“Action Alert-Is Pres Obarrds Pocket Veto on H. R. 3808 Possibly Ineffective?" 4closurefraud.org, October 8,2010。

毫无疑问,该法案正在被否决: Barack Obama,“Presidential Memorandum-H.   R.  3808," White House press release, October 8, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址在奥巴马总统执政的前六年,他一共只否决了两项法案:U. S.Senate, "Vetoes by President Barack H.Obama," www. senate. gov/refercnce/Legislation/Vetoes/ObamaBH. htm。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“有人真的能改变一些事情。”:Brunner,Cupcakes and Courage,544。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址  我不了解贷款的来龙去脉:Robo-Signers:Mortgage Experience Not Necessary," Associated Press, October 12, 2010。

琳恩感到困惑不解: Jeremy Pelofsky,“U. S.Justice Dept. Probing Foreclosure Processes," Reuters, October 6, 2010。  

一名布什时期的总检察长助理保罗·麦克诺提: Scot J. Paltrow,“Special Report: Legal Woes Mount for a Foreclosure Kingpin," Reuters,December6,2010。

琼和特蕾莎质证了斯坦恩的一位前高级律师助理塔米·娄·卡普斯塔: Deposition of Tammie Lou Kapusta, in re: Investigation of Law Offices of David J.  Stem,  P.  A. ,  State of Florida Office of the Attorney General,AG# L10-3-1145,  September 22, 2010,available at w\vw.  scribd. comJdoc/38890568/Full-Deposition-o f-Tammie-Lou-Kapusta-Law-Office-o f-David-J-Stem。

琼和特蕾莎公开了这些质证记录: Michael Redman,“Exclusive Bombshell of Foreclosure Fraud-Full Deposition of Tammie Lou Kapusta Law .  Office of DavidJ.  Stem,”4closurefraud.  org, October 7, 2010。

州检察官送来另一份质证记录: Michael Redman,“Another 4closureFraud Bombshell-FullDeposition of Kelly Scott of the Law Office of DavidJ. Stem," 4closurefraud.  org, October 18, 2010。

该公司大部分的主营业务不复存在: Andy Kroll,“Fannie,Freddie Ditch Foreclosure King,”Mother Jones,October 13,2010。

琼和特蕾莎的上级支持她们的行动,甚至公开谴责了伊琳·库劳洛在房屋止赎厂的兼职行为:Shannon Behnken,“AG's o伍ce Reprimands Its Attorney for 'Foreclosure Mill' Work," Tampa Tribune , October 19, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址民主党人士自国会领袖哈利·瑞德、南希·佩洛西以下,猛揪住这个话题不放: Arthur Delaney, "Calls Mount for Foreclosure Moratorium,Investigations,”Huffington Post, October 7, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址耸人听闻的二十页案件研究:David Dayen,“Pelosi,California House Dems Call for Criminal Investigations of Mortgage Lenders," FDL News,October 5, 2010, http: //shadowproof. com/2010/10/05/pelosi-califomia-house-dems-call- for-criminal-investigations-o f-mortgage-lenders。

艾伦·格雷森希望金融稳定监管委员会将止赎欺诈作为一种系统性风险加以监控:Yves Smith,“DC Waking Up to Escalating Foreclosure Train Wreck: Grayson Calls for FSOC to Examine Foreclosure Fraud as Systemic Risk," Naleed Capitalism, October 7, 2010。

戴维·阿克塞尔罗德告诉《国家》杂志的记者: Tom Cohen,“Axelrod Signals White House Opposition to Foreclosure Moratorium,”CNN.com, October 10, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迈克尔把奥巴马贷款文件上的“机器签署人”事件发布在《止赎欺诈》和《零和对冲》上: Michael Redman,“4closureFraud Exclusive-President Obama Falls Victim to Chase Robo-Signer," 4closurefraud. org,October 10,2010。

一个名为吉恩·司吉尔的荷兰博主:John  Galt( pseudonym),“GeenStijl CrisisWatch: Foreclosure Fraud,”GeenStijl, October 13, 2010,available at www.  geenstijl.  nl/mt/archieven/2010/10/crisiswatch_ oolumn_foreclosure. html。 

欢迎随时打我电话或发邮件来探讨此事: Michael Redman,"4closureFraud Exclusive Part Deux-President Obama Falls Victim to Another Robo-Si~per,”4closurefraud,org, October 11, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址不到三个星期,美国银行就宣告他们并无过失: Charles Riley,"13ank of America Resumes Foreclosures in 23 States," CNNMoney. com,October 18,2010。

审阅第一批“数百份”文件时仅发现“十或二十五个”问题: Dan Fitzpatrick, "Bo~tY Finds Foreclosure Document Errors," WaIl Street Jburnal,October 24,2010。     

上海龙凤shlf最新地址仅在纽约市五个区就有4450处错误:Robert Gearty,“Dubious Signatures, Missing, Inaccurate Paperwork Halt 4 450 City Foreclosures,"New York Daity News,October 24, 2010。

在俄亥俄州凯霍加县,一位法官裁定: David Dayen,“Ohio Ruling:No Substitution of Foreclosure Documents in Robo-Signing Cases," FDL News, January 3,  2011, http: //shadowproof. com/2011/01/03/ohio-ruling- no- substitution-of- foreclosure-documents-in-robo-signing-cases。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址没有人愿意为这些文件冒风险;  “NeW york Courts First in Country to Institute Filing Requirement to Preserve Integrity of Foreclosure Process,"press release, State of New York Unified Court System, October 20, 2010,available at www.  courts.  state.  ny.  us/press/pr2010—12,shtml; Hon.Glenn Grant, Administrative Director of the Courts of the State of New Jersey, Administrative Order Directing Submission of Information from Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Plaintiffs Concerning Their Document Execution Practices to a Special Master, Order No. 01-2010, December 20, 2010, available at https: //www. judiciary. state. nj.us/notices/2010/n101220b.pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址整个10月,银行股价都在下跌:Davicl Hilzenrath,“Worries over Fast-Tracked Foreclosures Send Bank Stocks Plummeting," Washington Post,October 14,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址要求美国银行回购约470亿美元的债券: Jody Shenn,“Pimco,NY-Fed Said to Seek BofA Mortgage Repurchases," Bloovnberg Business, October 19, 2010。

分析人士认为,银行最终将耗资1200亿美元: Ruth Simon,“Mortgage Losses Build Team Spirit,"  Wall Street Journal,October 27, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“在证券化过程中的每一步都未被恰当地转让给信托”: Josh Levin and Arjun  Sharma,  " Foreclosures  Gone  Wild:  Takeaways  from Our Conference Call," Citigroup Global Markets research document, October 12, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他最终以十八个点告负: Mike Schneider and Bill Kaczor,“Alan Grayson Loses House Seat to Daniel Webster," Associated Press, November 2,2010。

总检察长名单发生了大变动:Ballotpedia,“Attorney General Elections, 2010," http:  //ballotpedia.   org/Attomey- Generalelections,一2010。

吉姆·科瓦尔斯基和汤姆·考克斯:  “Foreclosed Justice: Causes and Effects of the Foreclosure Crisis," hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, December 2 and 15, 2010,www. gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG_111hhrg62935/html/CHRG-lllhhrg62935. htm。

止赎欺诈,是驾轻就熟的贷款滥用之路上的最后一站:“Problems in Mortgage Servicing from Modification to Foreclosure," hearing before the Senate Banking Committee, November 16, 2010, www.  banking.  senategov/public/index.  cfm?  FuseAction = Hearings.  Hearingfk:learing _ ID =df8cb685-clbf-4eea-941出cf9d5173873a; see also Yves Smith,  “Servicer-Driven Foreclosures: The Perfect Crime7" Ncdeed Capitalism, November 30, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“这种诉求来个五次,就会超过美国银行的市值”:David D2Ys\,"Damon Silvers Blasts Treasury, Tries to Get Them to Wake Up on Mortgage Fraud,”FDL News, October 28, 2010, http:  //shadowproof.  com/2010/1 0/2 8/damon-silvers-blasts-treasury-tries- to-get-thern-to-wake-up-on-mortgage- fraud。

仅仅因为一位房屋所有人没有偿还抵押贷款: Testimony of Katherine Porter, Congressional Oversight Panel, hearing on the TARP Foreclosure Mitigation Program, October 27, 2010, available at http:  //cybercemetery.unt. edu/archive/cop/20110402015351/http:  //cop. senate. gov/documents/testimony-102710-porter.  pdf.  See alsoJoe Nocera, "Big Problem for Banks:Due Process," New York Times, October 22, 2010。

联邦监管机构并不希望从服务商那里得到任何信息: David Dayen,“Levitin Addresses Elephant in the Room: Regulators Don't Want to Fix the Foreclosure Crisis," FDL News, November 18, 2010, http:  //shadowproof.com/20 1 011111 8 /levitin-addresses-elephant-in- the-room-regulators-dont-want-to-fix-the-foreclosuro-crisis; video available at http: //wwwcps-news. com/2010/11/22/treasury-directive-is-to-protect-the-banks。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我捐了最后的10美元:Mi出ael Redman,“4closureFraud and Foreclosure-Hamlet are Going to Washington DC and Could Use Your Help,"4closurefraud.  org, November 11, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址还为创建抵押贷款电子注册系统提供了法律资讯:Scot J。  Paltrow,“Insight: Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks," Reuters, January 20, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址这证明了他们的懦弱:Matt Taibbi,The Divide:American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap (New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2014), 31- 38。